Channel Drainage End Cap with Outlet For Ductile Iron Channel Drain

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Channel Drainage End Cap with Outlet For Ductile Iron Channel Drain
From 1 reviews
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Code 48091
EAN Code 0755907208676
Brand Hauraton
Colour Black
Material Fibretec Recyclable Polypropylene
Dimension 148mm (W) x 185mm (H)
Size 148mm
£11.75 £9.79
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These channel drainage end caps are used on our 40 tonne ductile iron channel drains as a method of securely capping off the run and providing an outlet.


  • Channel and grating come in one part, making it easy to transport and install
  • Much lighter than concrete channel drains
  • Made from high strength polyethylene
  • Anti-slip surface
  • Fully weather resistant grating that can withstand high temperature differences, frost, de-icing salt and UV rays
  • Compliant with DIN EN 1433 & DIN 19580 specifications