Land Drains

We stock a wide range of land drains. Land Drains are essentially perforated drainage pipes, either coiled or rigid, that collect water from the earth. The purpose of a land drain is to drain excess water from gardens, fields or public grassed areas that suffer from water retention.

Rigid Or Flexible?

The main difference between Flexible Coiled Land Drain and Rigid Twin Wall Land Drain is strength. The outer ribs on the twin wall rigid pipe add significant mechanical strength to the structure, so rigid land drain is generally used in areas where additional strength is required, such as under a driveway or other areas where traffic may pass over it.

Also if the drain is particularly deep, the large amount of backfill material above it will be heavy so rigid twinwall is a good idea in this situation. Flexible coiled land drain in gardens and fields can be used up to a depth of 1.2m without any danger of the structure being compromised.

Why Are Land Drains Available In Different Colours?

Unlike underground ducting, where the colour of the duct signifies what type of service is being run through it, colour is irrelevant when it comes to land drainage. Whilst most land drains are either black or yellow, it is purely down to the manufacturer as to what colour they decide to produce – there are no rules or regulations governing this.

Connecting Land Drains

Although coiled land drains are by their very nature flexible so bends are not required, we do sell joiners for connecting two lengths of pipe together. These are a loose-fit push fit joint – no seals are required as unlike foul or surface water drainage there is no requirement for joints to be watertight in a land drain installation.

Multi-purpose Y Junctions are also available for the 80mm and 100mm coils, these are particularly useful when using the traditional “herringbone” layout for installing land drains.

Land Drain Installation Guide

For information on how best to lay land drains, please visit our Land Drain Guides and Tips Section and consult our Land Drains - Overview, Layout and Installation guide for more detailed installation advice.

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7 Items

    1. Code LD10025
    2. Brand PBSL Group
    3. Size 100mm
    £53.86 £64.63
    1. Code LD10050
    2. Brand PBSL Group
    3. Size 100mm
    £107.68 £129.22
    1. Code LD100100
    2. Brand PBSL Group
    3. Size 100mm
    £205.14 £246.17
    1. Code FLR10025
    2. Brand Alliance Remedial
    3. Size 100mm
    £30.13 £36.16
    1. Code FLR10050
    2. Brand Alliance Remedial
    3. Size 100mm
    £60.23 £72.28
    1. Code FLR100100
    2. Brand Alliance Remedial
    3. Size 100mm
    £95.94 £115.13
    1. Code LDC
    2. Brand PBSL Group
    3. Size 100mm
    £3.41 £4.09
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7 Items